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Caregiver Loving Support

We specialize in referring qualified professional caregivers to provide for your in-home care needs. Our rigid screening process includes a criminal background check, work history confirmation, and positive professional references from previous clients. Domestic Workers with a CNA or HHA licensures are confirmed and checked to make sure each is current with the state. We understand that each client has unique needs and wishes. With 15 years of experience, our registry has an extensive list of dedicated independent professional caregivers that can keep you comfortable in your own home. Our goal is to introduce you to a pool of professional caregivers, with excellent work ethics, so you can choose a caregiver that meets your needs.


A dedicated professional caregiver with real work experience can make a world of difference when dealing with late in life condition such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other memory or cognitive issues. We are dedicated to referring caregivers who specialize in caring for a person who may suffer from a physical impairment such as post-surgical recovery, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, COPD, ALS, Huntington’s Disease, or any ailment that requires help from a loved one. We also register caregivers who are equipped to care for clients who may need more specialized attention due to cognitive or other memory-related ailments. The caregivers we refer, have the compassion required to provide a safe and comfortable home environment for the elderly client.


Whether the need is cognitive or physical, the right caregiver can assist with: transferring, bed bound care, bathing, dressing, grooming, hygiene, or simple meal preparation. Having a caregiver provide respite, allows loved one’s time to relax or catch-up on other responsibilities. Since we only register professional caregivers with experience, you can feel confident with your caregiver's ability to work one-on-one with family members in your home. 

           Senior HomeCare Referral Agency                       (800) 288-5720   3615 Main St, Riverside, CA 92501     

We proudly state Senior HomeCare Referral Agency is a Referral Agency

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